Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cable and Pottery Anyone???

The only cable in Japan just happens to be at the marina that Yuki rides at regularly. So yesterday we decided to forgo the boat and shred the cable. With this being Yuki's backyard, he was pretty much showing everyone up at the cable. I just did my best to keep up and had a great time trying (although my abs are suffering right now). After riding for about 2 hours, we made our way to dinner, sumo style. Basically we had a large pot of boiling broth on our table and we just threw a bunch of different food into it. I have yet to be let down by the food (on second thought those rotten beans were pretty bad).

To finish off the night, Yuki had the idea to go up to the top of this hill that overlooks all of Osaka. The view was incredible and unfortunately my photo will not do it justice (and sorry for the watermark on it, I didn't feel like spending the time or money to do the panorama properly). This was the best view possible to see how large and bright the city actually is.

It rained all day today so we had to figure out an indoor activity that didn't involve working on a computer. We went with pottery. I'm not really sure how that came about, but it did and we had some fun. Yuki has never done any pottery before, but I'm pretty sure he has a new back-up plan for when he's done with wakeboarding. It was interesting having an entire pottery lesson (something that I really don't know anything about) in a language that I don't understand. Luckily Yuki was there to explain what I was doing wrong. I guess it is going to take about a month for us to receive the fruits of our labor. Hopefully they will turn out to be nice gifts for anyone that would appreciate my minimal creative abilities.... my mom.

Gotta run and grab some food. Later.

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